Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The final stretch

It has been way too long since I last posted.....whatever happened to summers being a down time? We are in our last full week here with Fernando. Fernando leaves on Tuesday afternoon (27th) at 5PM, then Stefan leaves for a week at Boy Scout Camp on Sunday August 1st. Personally I think Fernando has had a great USA experience while we hosted him here. Since he's been here we've gone to North Carolina, Washington DC, tubing down the Delaware....this Saturday we are going to Vineland for a graduation Party and since it is pretty much on the way we are leaving early and going to Philadelphia early in the morning. Perhaps Stefan & Fernando will go kayaking in the morning on Sunday after Mass and go to Ironbound in Newark for Portugese food. Yummo! We had some great news this summer....Stefan made honor roll all A's & B's and placed into pre-Algebra in the fall. Yay. I have caught up with a lot of stuff at home and plan to do more when Stefan is away in two weeks.
Mom still has not heard any word about her lost purse.....the weather here is still God awful hot.....and life goes on.
I did have two wow moments this week.......the farm store that has been down the road from our home since we have moved to Branchburg is closing. I have so many memories of Allie walking down to the farm store for bunny food or just to hang out and talk to the owners. They have a sign on the front of their property that simply states we are closing after 17 years God Bless You!...another chunk of Allie's childhood going away. Then as I am driving in the car the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" comes on the radio in the car.....this was a song from a skit Allie did in daycamp when she was three years old. A friend of mine made a leopard print toga for her to wear and the counselors rolled up some of her beautiful long hair in dog sweet and a great memory. I know Allie is fine, happy and healthy. Just some random thoughts! Stay cool if you are reading this in a climate that is hazy, hot and humid like mine is, stay cool.

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