Saturday, September 25, 2010

Indian Summer

I can't help thinking that today's weather is a lot like the day Allie & Ryan got married. It is so flippin hot out.....hello it is September 25th. I am so ready for fall. Apple picking and of course apple pie making, sweaters, boots and pants! I guess it would help enjoy this beautiful weather if I wasn't having hot flashes all week long! I had a rough week at work. A good friend passed away, Rest in Peace, Dave MacDonald. I will truly miss his sense of humor, twinkling blue eyes and morning chats....always on Tuesday never on Monday. Dave suffered with cancer for over seven years and most people never knew it. It wasn't until the cancer spread to his liver that he was defeated. Stefan also had a rough week at school.....welcome to the new school year. I would love to know why teachers teach? No one, as far as I know, forces them to be teachers. When they are lucky enough to get a job and to achieve their goal of teaching, why do they turn into children haters? Why are they so mean spirited to their students? Why teach if you don't love to? Why teach kids if you don't like them? It is going to be a l.....o.....n.....g year!
Stefan has his Rite of Enrollment tonight at the 5pm Mass then it is out to dinner with my dear friend Fran and her family for her birthday. Onto 8pm fireworks at White Oak Park, then to a 1:30pm soccer game tomorrow in Union with Stefan. I need to finish my Saturday chores and go pick Stefan up at the park.

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