Monday, September 6, 2010

Work Tomorrow

Spent almost of Labor Day "catching up" on the mail from vacation....the most time consuming was the school paperwork for Stefan's first day on FRIDAY! Way too late for them to start.
I sometimes read other people's blogs....mainly Allie's fellow has really helped me to understand what young military couples are thinking and struggling with and in turn helps me to understand Allie & Ryan....and their choices! I think these young men and women have it right....they live for the day....the hour...the moment.....they love passionately and with their whole heart and they have had to grow up faster than most people their age have had to. They understand how precious life is, how fleeting time is and how their world can change in a moments notice. I have been reading two blogs in is about a young woman who is a widow she is under 25 years old and has a baby girl under a year old....who has never met her dad...he was killed in Afganistan before he had a chance to meet her. The other blogger is also a young woman also under 25 years old who had her husband come back home to her wounded. He eventually accidently overdosed on prescription drugs and of course this was directly from the war and the service he volunteered to do for our country! I pray for these young women all the time and for others like them. I thank God that Ryan came home safe in November and that Allie & Ryan were able to realize thier dream of being happily married and in each others arms and lives for ever. When life gets me down (and who hasn't been there) I think of all these young men and women still over in Iraq (50,000) remember and the thousands more in Afganistan.....along with all the spouses and children waiting for them at home and doing the best they can to hold it together until their loved ones return home......hopefully unaffected by what they saw and how they lived.
On to a more happy little girl turns 23 on Wednesday....where has time gone? I remember going into labor on labor day with her.....and my life was changed forever.......Allie starts her new job tomorrow and hopefully arrived home safely from a few days away with Ryan in South Carolina.
God Bless America and Our Troops!

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